Generic Speck Demos

Basic demo

Enter a number between 0 and 1073741823 (230 - 1) and it will return an obfuscated result in the same range. Keys are a list of numbers between 0 and 32767 (215 - 1), the default in this demo being randomly generated. It will be formatted using a base 32 alphabet (23​45​67​89​AB​CD​EF​GH​IJ​KM​NP​QR​ST​UV​WX​YZ).

Because the number of the bits in the output (30) is multiple of the number of bits of each character from the alphabet (5) it will generate a 6 length string (30/5) with an uniform distribution for every character.

Visual demo

In the left there is a 256x256 image where each pixel color is determined by the formula r=x g=y b=0, in the right there is a image where the colors are taken using the obfuscation function like this [r, g] = encrypt(x, y) b=0. Every color from the first image appears in the second image.

Keys are a list of numbers between 0 and 255 (28 - 1). Rounds can lowered down to one so you can see somewhat how the obfuscation works. Setting rotations to any number higher than the half block size (8) breaks the function.

Obfuscated image demo

Just for fun, on the left is a scrambled image and on the right will appear a unscrambled version if you can guess the key.

The key you enter will be processed using SHA-1 then used as a key for a createSpeck function and processed like the above demo, but using the left image as source instead of r=x g=y b=0.

Tip: the key is the name of the colorful object in the image.

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